This application contains Student Book PPKn SMP / MTs Class 7 Curriculum 2013. This application is made for students to make it easier to learn PPKn lessons anytime and anywhere.
The 2013 curriculum BSE is a free school book published by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) and can be distributed to the wider community free of charge.
Some of the Featured Features in this application include:
1. Play Page Automatically.
2. Zoom In & Zoom Out
3. Responsive display.
4. Bookmark / Bookmark certain pages
5. Search Pages.
6. Table of Contents.
7. Thumbnail Page.
The material discussed is in accordance with the PPKn SMP / MTs Class VII K13 subject matter
Chapter 1: Formulation and Establishment of Pancasila
as the State Foundation
Chapter 2: Norms and Justice
Chapter 3: Formulation and Ratification of the Constitution of the Republic of the Republic
Indonesia in 1945
Chapter 4: Ethnic, Religious, Racial and Intergroup Diversity
in the frame of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
Chapter 5: Cooperation in Various Fields of Life
Chapter 6: Regions within the Framework of the Unitary State of the Republic